Dog Fence is a Good One for Runaway Dog

What kind of mechanism or equipment can be most useful for dog owners with problems of runaway pets? The dog fence is one good pick. This form of containment whether it is underground electronic or wireless is responsible for keeping the dog from running away. However, more than this function, it may not be known to the dog owner but it plays a crucial key in molding the traits of man’s best friend.

Value of Dog Containment

If you have just bought a new dog or puppy, make sure that it does not let him jump the fence. For all you know, jumping over the fence is a self-rewarding behavior. The dog that escapes from home acquires a feeling of freedom and hopes to find another master that will give it preferential attention. The experience of prancing and playing around without ant controls will seem natural to the dog. It gives the animal a lot of enjoyment doing this. When you install this barrier, you do not have to stop at training your pet and knowing how to use the dog fence as a form of containment.

Reasons for Jumping Fences

Contemplate your dog’s motives for jumping over fences. Usually the dog jumps because of the following reasons:

  • It sees another animal, person or object that it wants to chase.
  • The dog sees a friendly person or dog it wants to meet. This is logical since dogs always want to seek out companions.
  • The dog is bored and looking for something to do, or looking for its masters.

It can be scary to leave the dog alone in the yard. It might be ridiculed by other kids or provoked by other dogs. Your pet might learn to associate the yard with anxiety, terror or lonesomeness. Take this factor in consideration when installing the dog fence. At the same time, you need to realize that the dog that has acquired bad manners is not a bad dog after all.

Proper Directions

You simply need to give it proper training and directions. In like manner, it does not mean that the dog that jumps over the fence has abnormal manners. The moral of the lesson is that if possible; watch over your dog it is in the yard. You can leave the dog alone once you have completed the training program but be with your pet when your time allows. Punishment is a big no-no. Use the dog fence by all means!

About thedogtrainingcollars

Assisting people with their dogs to have well behaved dogs in every neighbourhood. Electric dog fences and dog containment systems to stop dogs escaping. Barking dog collar, rent a bark collar and citronella dog collar. Remote training collar for dogs and to train your dog off lead in the park or down the beach.

Posted on June 11, 2013, in Dog Fences and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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